Elon musk biography age wife family

 Inventor of the century, ELON MUSK, boss of Tesla and SpaceX, is revolutionizing transportation, energy and aeronautics.

 Elon Reeve Musk, born June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, entrepreneur, engineer, inventor, is known to be the boss of Tesla Motors, the pioneers of the electric automobile, of SpaceX - his own astronautics company -, but also president of the Solar City board of directors and co-founder of PayPal and Zip 2 

Elon musk biography age wife family

  Elon Musk 

Name : Elon Reeve Musk

Nickname : iron man 

Profession :  entrepreneur, engineer, inventor

Height  : 180 CM

Weight : 80 KG

Date of birth  : June 28, 1971

Age  : 50 (as of 2021) 

Birth place : Pretoria South Africa

Nationality : American

School  : Wharton School in Philadelphia

College : Queen's University in Kingston - Ontario, Stanford University California

Elon musk
Elon Musk biography

Elon musk Family  

Wife  : Justine Musk ( 2000 - 2008 ) 

             Talulah Riley ( 2013 - 2016 ) 

Children  : four son's (Griffin, Damian,                                      Saxon, Kai) 

Father : Errol Musk

Mother  : Maye Musk

Brother : Kimbal and Greg Kouri

Sister   : Tosca Musk 

Net worth ( approx) : $189.8 Billion

Childhood and Studies

Elon grew up in South Africa, from an engineer father and a nutritionist mother, he very quickly started reading many books. From the age of 12, he programmed his first video game called Blastar ’which he sold to‘ PC and Office Technology ’magazine for $ 500.

 As a teenager, the young man already dreams of studying in the United States and shortly before his 18th birthday, he emigrated to Canada. He quickly obtained Canadian nationality from his mother, born Canadian.

 At the age of 19, he began studying at Queen's University in Kingston - Ontario where he spent 2 years which he financed through odd jobs. In 1992 he moved to the United States to study at the Wharton School in Philadelphia where he obtained a scholarship. He will study there for 3 years and will graduate in business and physics.

 In 1995, he moved to California, where Stanford University offered him a scholarship to pursue a doctorate in energetic physics. But Elon, not wanting to devote more time to studies, he suspended his doctorate caught up by his entrepreneurial fever and his futuristic ideas of renewable energies and space travel.

 The people he discusses his plans with will then tell him he's crazy and won't complete any of his goals. Elon is not discouraged, however, and the future will prove to them that they were wrong not to trust him.

 The same year, Elon, supported by his younger brother Kimbal and Greg Kouri founded Zip2, a software for digital mapping and professional directories, intended to help the media, especially newspapers to develop on the web. In 1999, four years later, the computer company Compaq bought Zip2 for more than US $ 300 million and more than $ 34 million in stock. Zip2 marked Elon’s first big success and the start of his entrepreneurial journey.

 Elon did not stop there, the same year, with the funds acquired from the sale of Zip2, he co-founded with Peter Thiel ‘X.com’, which would become PayPal two years later, an online banking company. Three years after its launch, the online auction company Ebay bought PayPal for $ 1.5 billion.

 With this new success, Elon's dreams and ambitions will be limited only by his budget. 

SpaceX owner is Elon Musk

 Elon founded, in 2002, SpaceX (Space Exploration Technologies) the only company which comes to compete with nations in the conquest of space.

 Convinced that humans must become a multi-planet species in order to survive, the goal is clear: to build more affordable rockets that will make more regular launches possible and one day the colonization of Mars. Elon personally invests over $ 100 million in it and learns almost everything there is to know from manuals and interviewing the specialist engineers he hires on the project.

 SpaceX begins work on the first launcher called Falcon 1. Between 2006 and 2008, the first three flights were failures and the future of the project was in jeopardy. Elon who has invested all his money in it no longer has the resources to finance a fourth launch, but giving up has never been Elon's creed and he has succeeded in convincing investors to finance the fourth and final attempt to launch Falcon. 1.

 On September 28, 2008, Falcon 1 finally reached the atomosphere and successfully put a satellite into orbit. NASA, impressed, signs a contract with SpaceX for $ 1.6 billion. Once again, the unwavering determination of Elon and his collaborators at SpaceX paid off.

 In 2011, SpaceX developed the Dragon spacecraft, developed for NASA, with the aim of supplying the International Space Station which can carry up to 7 astronauts. To reduce the costs of its rockets, Elon is considering building Reusable rockets that could take off and land on their ground launch pad. The company then built a barge to allow launchers to land safely at sea.

 After several failures, SpaceX achieves the feat of landing its Falcon 9 rocket first by ditching and then on its barge in the open sea and in 2015 on land and firm, and in 2016 to reuse part of the rocket. Motors At the same time, Elon, who has always been very interested in the production of fully electric vehicles, becomes in 2004 one of the main shareholders of Tesla Motors, the electric vehicle company founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning.

 In 2006, Tesla unveiled its first vehicle, the Roadster, capable of traveling 394km in a single charge. It will be marketed from 2008 to 2012 at a price of 84,000 € for the first model. The Roadster is already much more efficient than all its electric competitors with a 0-100km / h acceleration in just 3.9 seconds and a top speed of 212km / h. Subsequently marketed the Model S as a luxury sedan in 2012, late 2015 released the Model X the futuristic-looking 7-seater SUV and in 2017 the brand's affordable mainstream sedan, the Model 3, which exceeded all sales and ordering forecasts to the point where Tesla could no longer meet demand.

 The brand's production continues to ramp up to meet demand. It recorded an increase in sales of 18% between the second and third 2017. The brand has already announced the release of the Y model, a smaller SUV and more affordable than its X model, which should The main objective of the Californian brand today is to increase its production capacity to meet its order book and avoid excessive cancellations due to longer delivery times, especially for the Model 3.

 To do this, in June 2014, the group launched the construction of the "Gigafactory", a huge battery manufacturing plant in Fermont, California. The building would thus become the largest building in the world powered solely by renewable energies. After sports coupes, luxury sedans and SUVs, Tesla's new challenge is to tackle the freight truck market. It was during a show in a hangar at Los Angeles airport on November 16, 2017, that Elon himself unveiled the 'Tesla Semi', a 100% electric semi-trailer capable of running 800km on a charge. and with maximum loading.

 In just 30 minutes of recharging, the battery will provide more than 640km of range for the truck. Regarding the cabin, it has been designed to provide more comfort with more space and safety for the driver. Production of the semi should start in December 2019.

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