a biography of swami vivekananda

 a biography of swami vivekananda

 Name : Narendranath Vishwanath Dutt, date of birth : 12 January 1863, born Calcutta (West Bengal) 

Father : Vishwanath Dutt, 

mother : Bhuneshwar Devi.  

Marriage : unmarried.

Education : Passed B.A examination in 1884.

 a biography of swami vivekananda


While studying in college, he became a Brahmo were attracted to society.

Idolatry due to the influence of Brahmo society and was opposed to polytheism.

 In 1882 his Ramakrishna Paramahansa met with, this incident a turning point in Vivekananda's life decided.

By attaining salvation through yoga

 It can be taken, says Ramakrishna Paramahansa there was faith, Vivekananda of his thoughts he was greatly influenced and so on

 Became a disciple of Ramakrishna.

 In 1876 by Ramakrishna Paramahansa died.

 Vivekananda speech in 1893 World in Chicago, USA the Sarvadharma Parishad was full Vivekananda's presence in favor of Hinduism Presented your speech very effectively

In the beginning, they were dear brothers and sisters By practicing Hinduism in his eloquent style Proved superiority and generosity.



Effective of vivekananda

Because of his personality and his erudition

Many people in America worship him

His fans started in America

His lectures took place on the spot.

Vivekananda lived in America for two years

 He became a Hindu during his stay

The great message of world brotherhood of religion is There rich people.

Then Swami Vivekananda went to England

Her name is Miss Margaret Nobel

Sister Nivedita later became a disciple

So in 1898 he joined the Ramakrishna Mission Founded as well as the world Branches of Ramakrishna Machine in place

All religions of the established world are true and to achieve the same goal

There are different ways. Such is Ramakrishna Mission was the teaching of. Religious Reforms by Ramakrishna Mission

By bringing about social reform Special efforts by this mission to bring done.Orphanage in place of this mission,Established hospitals, hostels.


 Leave rituals, superstitions and extreme bibliography and study Dharma with a clear conscience.

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