Who is mother character of bellamkonda srinivas in sakshyam cinema

Mina Durairaj played the role of mother in sakshyam movie

 Heroine Meena taking part in Mother role in Bellamkonda Srinivas Movie: The heroines in movies  rule as a heroine do mother roles once the turn.  Since long back this became routine from Savitri to Nadiya  are taking part in as Mother, in-law, in-law characters.  Even Meena once upon a time star heroine additionally came into this track.  Already in ‘Drishyam’ film, she acted as a heroine for Venkatesh and mother for two youngsters.  And once more aiming to play the mother role.

 Meena is acting in Bellamkonda Srinivas film directed by Srinivas.  During this film hero, kid half has the outstanding role.  The director Srivas thought that Meena sort of a star actor is ideal for the mother character  is in hero childhood.  Even Meena accepted owing to the importance of that character.  Already hero childhood shooting half was completed. 

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